Baby Talk

Let's talk baby showers. What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon! You get to see all your friends and hear about how their kids are doing. You get to chit chat with everyone while you are dodging the question about when you'll have kids of your own. And ultimately, you get to celebrate someone for having working reproductive organs. YAY! 

Okay, I know that was a little harsh. But after so many times of screaming on the inside while celebrating everyone else on the planet, I've gotta be honest. And to be perfectly honest, I have pretty much stopped going. I try my best to get a gift to the mother to be, but I've become an expert at dodging invitations. Sorry!

However, this baby shower was different. The mommy to be has faced the struggle of infertility. Her and her hubby have been praying for years for their little miracle. They've been on the roller coaster and I am so, so excited that they are off of it! 


So, all that to say, I was VERY excited to make this gift!! Some of my favorite things to make for baby gifts are these simple burp cloths. One side is a cute fabric and the other side is the super soft minky fabric. They are approximately 9x18 in size, so that they fit perfectly over your shoulder. 

My other favorite gift to give mommies-to-be is a "mommy survival gift". I take a large mason jar and fill it with items that they might need, especially when they are stationary for long periods of time. Over time, I feel like I've gotten better at filling the jars with items that would be useful for mommies. I'm hopeful that one day I will be able to fill a jar for myself to put next to a rocking chair in a baby nursery. 


Just to clarify, the prosecco was not for the jar! That has a different purpose, as you'll see below ;). The other thing I like to do is to pack the gift in a cute box, so that mommy can use it for something else later. I couldn't find one this time and decided to use a plain box from Michael's and decorated it.


Although not my best handwriting, the box turned out okay. But I loved how everything else turned out! I tried to cover all the basics in this gift. First long nights in the nursery, first tantrum, first spit-ups, first Easter, and for making it through labor. All signs on the gifts within the box were written and cut with my Cricut. If you don't have one, I suggest investing!! The scripture for labor was hand lettered by me, and the verses inside chosen just for Lauren.


And thankfully hubby was there to photograph everything for me :). But even better was giving it to my friend. I am so truly happy for her and I admire her patience in waiting on God's timing. I hope that I can be as patient as she has been and inspire someone else the way she has inspired me.