Mending My Broken Heart

Imagine your favorite vase has just slipped out of your hands and falls crashing to the floor. As it lay on the floor in many pieces, you ponder your options. You can either sweep it up and toss it in the trash, or you can sweep it up, grab the glue, and get to work on piecing it back together. More often than not we choose the first option. Why toil away on something that will never look the same? 

But sometimes, whatever is broken is worth fixing because it means the world to us no matter what it looks like. Think back to a favorite blanket or stuffed animal you had as a child. If it tore, you would have been devastated if it thrown out in the trash. So, you either had it fixed or you learned to live with it just like it was and you loved it just the same. As I have been looking back on the way my life has gone, I've been seeing the mended pieces. God has not once swept me up and thrown me out. He has fixed me over and over again.


He takes my most broken moments and uses them for good. He doesn't just glue me back together, but completely remakes my heart and strengthens it. When I walked past this paper heart in Michael's I knew I wanted to add it to our living room collection. However, I didn't know what I would put on it. Cue Pinterest searching :). 

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When I saw this Psalm, I knew it was perfect. Waiting is hard. I don't feel like I'm getting better at it. But as I am looking back on my time of waiting, I am seeing that I am getting stronger. You will get stronger, too. We will all get stronger together. 

How are you working through your waiting?